Cheaper calls to selected destinations

If you want to try cheaper connection for a low price, you can call with three zeros at the beginning of the number. Call quality may be worse, and probably your Czech number will not be visible.

You can check the price in price calculator, is also mentioned in the price list (Russia - Bee,MTS,Mega cheap):

Russia - Beeline, MTS, Megafon 1.39 Kč/min
Ukraine - Kievstar, life, MTS 2.99 Kč/min
Ukraine - Lvov 1.99 Kč/min
Poland - Orange 0.89 Kč/min
Romania - Cosmote 0.59 Kč/min
Romania lcr Orange/Vodafone 1.20 Kč/min

Call is charged by the second from the beginning.

Calling to Russia - Beeline with the best quality 00796387214xx - 3,59 CZK/min. When you dial 000796368214xx you are calling for 1,39 CZK/min.

Overview of Russian prefix that can be called for a price 1.39 CZK/min

With three zeros at the beginning it makes a sense to call only some mobile prefixes in Russia.

7903 Russia Beeline, mobile
7905 Russia Beeline, mobile
7906 Russia Beeline, mobile
7909 Russia Beeline, mobile
7960 Russia Beeline, mobile
7961 Russia Beeline, mobile
7963 Russia Beeline, mobile
7964 Russia Beeline, mobile
7965 Russia Beeline, mobile
7967 Russia Beeline, mobile
7968 Russia Beeline, mobile
791 Russia MTS, mobile
798 Russia MTS, mobile
792 Russia Megafon, mobile
793 Russia Megafon, mobile

All other Russian prefixes are cheap even without the three zeros at the beginning! Eg. fixed line or other mobile phone operators are cheaper than 1.39 CZK / min. You can check it out in the price calculator. Pokud byste přesto vytočili tři nuly na začátku, nedovoláte se, nebo budete volat zbytečně za vyšší cenu.